*Please note: As we are very busy during service times, it’s possible that we may not be able to answer your call.
If you’d like to make a booking, Please use the booking bar directly below to make a reservation.
Farmers Arms Hotel Daylesford
1 East Street, Daylesford
Victoria, 3460
If you’d like to make contact for other reasons, please send an email using the contact form below and we will get back in touch. We aim to answer all emails within 24 hours.
Keen to join the Farmers Family?
Whether you’re a hospitality professional, or a newbie to the trade, the Farmers Arms welcomes you to enquire about joining our team. We aim to provide knowledgable, friendly and efficient customer service, providing a great and enjoyable atmosphere for our patrons.
If this sounds like you, fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in touch shortly